Ripgrep Cheatsheet


Syntax Description
rg --help | more Make help useful on Windows
rg -A NUM NEEDLE Show NUM lines before the match
rg -B NUM NEEDLE Show NUM lines after the match
rg -C NUM NEEDLE Show NUM lines before and after the match
rg -l NEEDLE List matching files only
rg -c NEEDLE List matching files, including a count
rg -i NEEDLE Search case-insensitively
rg --no-filename NEEDLE Don’t print filenames, handy when you care about the match more than the file
rg -v NEEDLE Invert matching: show lines that do not match
rg NEEDLE Search only in specified file(s)
rg -c --sort path | modified | accessed | created NEEDLE Sort the results (-sortr to reverse)
rg -g '*.nuspec' NEEDLE Only search in *.nuspec files (can use multiple -g)
rg -g '!*.nuspec' NEEDLE Search in everything but *.nuspec files
rg -p NEEDLE | less -R Force pretty printed output even in pipes
rg -e NEEDLE1 -e NEEDLE2 Search for multiple patterns
rg -z NEEDLE Search in gzip, bzip2, xz, LZ4, LZMA, Brotli and Zstd compressed files
rg --type-list Displays built-in available types and their corresponding globs
rg -tcs -tconfig Search in file types cs and config
rg -Tconfig Don’t search in file type config
rg --files | rg NEEDLE Match against filenames rather than content

Note 1 If NEEDLE or -g patterns contain any special characters then place them in single quotes. Double quotes will work in some circumstances, but negative -g patterns in double quotes seem to confuse the shell, on Linux at least.

Note 2 Remember that NEEDLE is a Regex, hence characters such as . (dot) have special meaning even when placed in single quotes. To match a literal . you need to use a Regex-escape: \.


On Windows, you can pipe results to PowerShell like this:

rg -i --no-filename '<PackageReference' | foreach { $_.Trim() } | Sort-Object -unique

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