Summary of Stephen Cleary's 'Tour of Task' Series

Summary of Stephen Cleary’s ‘A Tour of Task’ articles

The first article

  • Task as used by TPL is completely different to Task as used by async.
  • The vast majority of Task members have no place in async code.
  • There are two types of Task ** Delegate tasks, which have code to run ** Promise tasks, which represent an event or signal (e.g. IO or timer based)
  • Most TPL code uses Delegate tasks across multiple threads,, most async code uses Promise tasks which don’t tie up a thread.

Task Constructors

Original Article

  • These can only create Delegate tasks. Promise tasks are created using the async keyword.
  • They create tasks that are not running. Don’t use them.
  • Use Parallel or PLINQ for parallel code.
  • For dynamic task parallelism, you can use Task.Run or Task.Factory.StartNew.

Task Status

Original Article

  • Rarely used except for debugging, normally wait for the task to complete and extract the results.


Original Article

  • All Wait operations block the calling thread until the task completes, so they are never used with Promise tasks. (Blocking on a Promise is a cause of deadlocks).
  • Wait is rather simple: it will block the calling thread until the task completes, a timeout occurs, or the wait is cancelled. If the wait is cancelled, then Wait raises an OperationCanceledException. If a timeout occurs, then Wait returns false. If the task completes in a failed or canceled state, then Wait wraps any exceptions into an AggregateException. Note that a canceled task will raise an OperationCanceledException wrapped in an AggregateException, whereas a canceled wait will raise an unwrapped OperationCanceledException.
  • WaitAll and WaitAny are similar, but for collections of Task.
  • Use await instead of Wait.


Original Article

  • Only exists on Task<T> type.
  • Blocks like Wait, with the same drawbacks.
  • Wraps any exceptions inside an AggregateException, which makes error handling complicated.
  • GetAwaiter().GetResult blocks like Result, but does not wrap any exceptions. This works for both Task<T> and Task. So if you have to block, this is better.
  • The vast majority of time, await should be used to get the result of a Promise task.


Original Article

  • Don’t use ContinueWith - the defaults are all wrong. Just use await.
  • Don’t use TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny - use await Task.WhenAny(...)
  • Don’t use TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll - use await Task.WhenAll(...)

Starting Delegate tasks

The obsolete way and The correct way

  • Don’t use Start.
  • Don’t use RunSynchronously. It runs on the current thread.
  • Don’t use Task.Factory.StartNew unless you are doing [dynamic task parallelism] ( (which is very rare)
  • DO USE Task.Run. Its CancellationToken is mostly useless, but the other overloads are good for queueing work to the thread pool.

Starting Promise tasks

Original Article

  • Task.Delay is the async equivalent of Thread.Sleep, use it in preference. Thread.Sleep actually puts the current thread to sleep for a time (which means it is not doing any useful work). Task.Delay allows the thread to be used to do other work (perhaps for other tasks).
  • Task.FromResult can be used to create a completed task with a result value.
  • Task.FromException and Task.FromCancelled can be used to return completed tasks in those states (.Net 4.6 API).

Summary of Stephen Cleary’s async intro

Original Article

  • Avoid async void methods, except for event handlers. They can’t be awaited.
  • When you await a built-in awaitable, the current “context” is captured and later re-applied when the rest of the async method is executed. Context means UI context, ASP.Net request context, or thread-pool context.
  • The context overhead can be avoided by doing await FooAsync(parms).ConfigureAwait(false) (you should do this by default unless you know you need the original context).
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